Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Wiki

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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Wiki

Sketchbook is the main antagonist from the first Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. It teaches the puppets about creativity, the sketchbook also made two appearances in the second Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. Sketchbook and Tony the Talking Clock are the most popular characters among the fanbase. 

Don't Hug me I'm Scared

Sketchbook pops open and asks the puppets what their favorite ideas are, Sketchbook tells them that it likes to be creative. Yellow Guy asks the sketchbook how it gets the idea, the sketchbook answers by saying it tries to think creatively. Sketchbook asks the puppets what they see when they look at an orange, Bird Puppet tells the sketchbook that it's just a boring old orange. Sketchbook disagrees with this, instead the sketchbook sees a walking orange with a happy face. Bird Puppet doesn't understand and the sketchbook tells him that he isn't thinking creatively, the sketchbook exposes its hair to the puppets. Sketchbook tells them that it uses its hair to express itself, Red Puppet tells the sketchbook that it sounds really boring. Sketchbook repeats what it said, the sketchbook asks if the puppets are excited when they stare at the clouds in the sky, when they say no. Sketchbook tells them to take another look, the sketchbook tells them they are getting the hang of it now, when the sketchbook finds out Yellow Guy is painting a picture of a clown, Sketchbook destroys the picture. It tells them another good tip on how to be creative; to arrange leaves and sticks into their favorite colors (Blue, Red, Green.) The sketchbook frowns upon the color green, the sketchbook tells the puppets to listen to their hearts, the rain, and the voices in their brains; saying "Come on guys, lets get creative!" Sketchbook begins to watch the puppets go insane, after the puppets' experience; it and the other puppets possibly agreed to never be creative again and Sketchbook faints.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 2 - TIME

When the puppets are waiting for their show to be on and later when Red Puppet mentions that there's fish everywhere, Sketchbook is hiding.


  • Sketchbook mostly frowned upon Yellow Guy
  • Sketchbook could be a main character, since it appears in most of the DHMIS videos. However it could remain unknown if Sketchbook is main or not
  • The sketchbook is seen twice on Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 2 - TIME
  • Joseph Pelling mentioned that Sketchbook's gender is paper, which could mean that the sketchbook is genderless though the sketchbook's voice is female
  • The sketchbook is commonly known to fans as Paige